2016 Organic research shows health and environmental benefits
Health Benefits
In the health category, pesticides were a major scientific focus. Pesticides are unfortunately commonly prevalent in our food, and new studies in 2016 continued to highlight the frequency of residues from conventionally produced products from around the world. Two studies out of China and Korea showed that up to a quarter of all leafy greens exceed the maximum allowable residue limit for pesticides, while another study specifically looking at persimmons found that over 35% of conventional persimmons have high levels of pesticides.
Actively evaluating the presence of synthetic chemicals in our food system, The Center in 2016 launched a project examining the presence of synthetic pesticides, growth hormones, and antibiotics in store-bought organic and conventional milk. Results are scheduled to be published in 2017.
For the full report, go to http://theorganicreport.com/2016-organic-research-shows-health-and-environmental-benefits